Offering the benefits of hypnotherapy and cognitive training on physical performance
Within the relatively young science of psychology, there have been many niches that have been developed to specific branches of society according to its needs, including the domain of sports and athletics. Most of this involves overcoming performance-based anxiety and superstitions, as well as developing strategies for upcoming events.
The benefits of hypnotherapy for sports have been known for years, however, because of the stigmatized reputation of hypnosis and reluctance of athletes to concede a need for a mental coach, (or view the need for one as being a 'lesser' athlete), it is not often discussed, considered, or encouraged among athletes. By bringing awareness to these performance-improving benefits, I would like to break these stigmas with any athletes who have come across this site, and augment their abilities without the use of drugs or extra physical exertion.
What can Hypnosis do for athletics?
It is well known how superstitions and rituals are commonly used in the world of sports, not only for the athletes, but even the fans as well. Fans will put on their lucky articles of clothing or eat a certain food before the big game, or take a certain route while they are out running errands. For the athletes themselves, the weeks leading up to an event will be given special attention and effort to increase their chances of victory. Unlike the the fans though, the hours and minutes leading up to an event can be plagued with nerves and anxiety. The mind begins to play tricks where the seeds of doubt are sewn and mental obstacles are created, and someone who is otherwise prepared and able to win ends up choking under pressure. Most elite athletes at the professional level do not have this problem, that is why they 're the pros; but it is not unheard of that even at the highest levels of professional athletics.
Using hypnosis and techniques of mindfulness, the obstacles that you have put up will be deconstructed, rituals will become unnecessary, and using triggers involved in standard warm-up exercises can be used to facilitate performance-enhancing mental techniques involving focus and getting in 'the zone'' of optimal performance.
The featured video link is meant to illustrate that this practice of what Vinnie Shoreman calls 'mental coaching', has been around for years and has been shown to be effective. Really what I want to show you is what is mentioned within the first 15 minutes of this video, but if you have the time it is a very good interview and I share much of this man's sentiments on hypnosis and therapy.
Vinny Shoreman is a mind coach and kickboxing & muay thai commentator and coach.
Please check him out if you are available to access him and give him your business. I do not claim to own this video